PAKISTAN/SINDH | Ombudsman orders authority to supply drinking water to residents

Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, was approached by citizens for supply of potable water. According to details, residents of Ghousia Colony were suffering from the acute shortage of potable water and were being supplied contaminated water.

To provide relief to the complainant, Ombudsman Sindh issued directives to the  authorities concerned to initiate enquiry which disclosed that the residents were regularly paying water bills but potable water was being supplied to them very late in the night at 2 to 3 am which was also discontinued subsequently.

As a consequence of intervention of Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, the agency expeditiously laid down a new water supply line. It was confirmed by the complainants that now the residents of Ghousia Colony were getting water supply on regular basis. The Ombudsman decision provided urgent relief to the residents of Ghousia Colony.


Source: Office of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan

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