PAKISTAN/SINDH | Ombudsman orders transfer of family pension in favour of the complainant

A complainant approached the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Mr. Asad Ashraf Malik, for transfer of Family Pension in the complainant's name. Ombudsman Sindh issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate an enquiry into the case.

After detailed hearings, Ombudsman Sindh issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate an enquiry into the case. Consequently, due to intervention of this institution procedure of scrutiny by the concerned department was expedited for disposal of the case. On 18 June 2014, the Accountant General Sindh informed that family pension case had been finalized and Pension Payment Order was issued in favour of the complainant.

The complainant confirmed the receipt of pension, appreciated the role of the Ombudsman for taking prompt action and providing relief to her.

Source: Ombudsman of Sindh, PAKISTAN

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