IRELAND | Ombudsman Peter Tyndall interviewed by the Irish Examiner

Ombudsman Peter Tyndall featured in a number of articles in the Irish Examiner on Monday 11 January 2016.

He thereby talks on his role and how he wants to see it expanded to address problems in the health service, prisons, and the asylum system.

Furthermore, Peter Tyndall has questioned why his office — the consumers’ public representative of last resort after all — cannot investigate complaints against Irish Water. He claims Irish Water was needlessly removed from his remit when the company took over water supply and sewerage services from local councils over which he does have jurisdiction.

Mr Tyndall argues that the veto means that Irish Water customers have no access to an independent grievance mechanism. This is unacceptable and adds another distasteful layer to what has been the single greatest failure of public administration, and of this Government, in recent decades.

Source: Office of the Ombudsman, Ireland

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