AUSTRALIA/VICTORIA | Ombudsman publishes report on the investigation into Office of Living Victoria

On 4th of August 2014, the Ombudsman of Victoria, Ms. Deborah Glass, OBE, presented to the Parliament a report into an Investigation into allegations of improper conduct in the Office of Living Victoria.

The report is based on a complaint lodged before the Victorian Ombudsman on the grounds of allegations of improper conduct by the Office of Living Victoria in relation to its procurement and contract management practices.

As laid down in the report, the Office of Living Victoria continuously failed to comply with Victorian Government procurement policies. Therefore, the Ombudsman of Victoria submitted a final draft report, including draft recommendations, to the CEO of the Office of Living Victoria as well as to the Secretary of the Department of Enivronment and Primary Industries.

Only shortly thereafter, the Office of Living Victoria ceased its operations, its CEO resigned and its former Head of Office departed.

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