IRELAND | Ombudsman publishes summer edition of the Ombudsman's Casebook

This quarter's Casebook contains summaries of recent cases the Ombudsman has dealt with. The Ombudsman hopes that by sharing the outcomes of cases, we will all learn from the mistakes and good practice of others.

In this month's Casebook:

  • we describe a complaint where a student was not informed about a ‘selection interview’ she had to pass to graduate to the third year of her course (see case E80/14/0240  in the Education section).
  • the Ombudsman upheld a complaint from a foster carer in relation to how a review of her eligibility to foster care was conducted and being denied an appeal (see case HA9/14/1976 - Health section)  
  • a case where a Council gave cheques payable to an elderly woman under a housing aid scheme to the woman's builder.  (see L60/14/0825 - Local Authority section).

This month's Casebook also includes complaints involving the Valuation Office, Pobal and the Property Registration Authority.

You can download the entire report from here.

Source: The Office of the Ombudsman, Ireland

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