CANADA | Ombudsman’s Annual Report promotes fair access for Albertans

In a detailed account of the past year, Ombudsman Kevin Brezinski’s annual report outlines the positive outcomes his office generated through 2023-24.

Investigations into systemic problems affecting vulnerable Albertans remained at the forefront. As an Officer of the Legislature, the Ombudsman protects the rights of every Albertan to be treated fairly in the delivery and administration of public services.

“I am proud of our office’s commitment to achieving positive outcomes for Albertans and government authorities through impartial investigations,” reported the Ombudsman.

In 2023-24, the office handled 5,150 requests for assistance and written complaints, an increase of 9% over the prior year.  The commitment to resolving cases quickly remained consistently high, with 95% of the office’s written complaints closed within three months. Additionally, the office’s strategic in person and online engagement opportunities raised its visibility,  resulting in 20% more new visitors coming to the website than in the previous year.

The Ombudsman’s annual report featured a prominent own motion investigation into Alberta’s Criminal Code Review Board (CCRB). Although the investigation resulted in a recommendation to close a gap in publicly available information about the CCRB, the Ombudsman was pleased to confirm the organization’s commitment to providing a high level of service and fair processes. A second important investigation, into the Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) program, identified significant systemic issues. The young person at the heart of the case was denied access to services because the program deemed him ineligible using flawed legislation. The Ombudsman made recommendations to ensure the fairness of the program’s administrative processes and prevent future applicants from falling through the cracks. Both cases brought necessary public attention to these matters.

The report goes on to highlight the year’s best investigations, featuring cases from across all three sectors. Of the written complaints received in 2023-24, 78% were about the provincial government, 18% were about municipalities, and 4% were about professional organizations.

The office’s 57th annual report marks Ombudsman Brezinski’s first full year in office.

In our experience, a genuine commitment to improving administrative fairness consistently leads to better services for Albertans.  When authorities are receptive to suggestions and committed to enhancing their processes, everyone benefits. Our goal is not just to resolve issues but to foster a culture of fairness and trust in public services,” Brezinski writes.

The Office of the Ombudsman is the voice of fairness for Albertans. Anyone who feels they were treated unfairly in the public service is welcome to reach out.


The annual report can be found in the download section below.


Source: Alberta Ombudsman, Canada

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