AZERBAIJAN | Ombudsman’s staff attends training on monitoring the rights of the child

In recent days, the Ombudsman Office in coordination with UNICEF country office launched five day training on increasing capacities to monitor the child rights for the members of the national preventive group and heads of the Regional Offices of the Ombudsman. UNICEF international experts Mr. Reider Hiermann and Ms. Anna Nordenmark were involved into this event as trainers. 

During the training, trainees have listened lectures about human right approach to the work with children, international child rights standards; juveniles in the places of detention; various methods for testimony and collecting information from children, theoretical view to outcome based management and etc.

During the interactive discussions, the trainees have given comprehensive information about the activities of the Ombudsman as NPM, her monitoring to places of detention, penitentiary institutions, social and health care institutions and to all places where the person cannot leave on their own leave, her proposals for the improvement of the legal and normative framework, legal reforms, bilateral cooperation with public as well as international institutions.

Trainers were informed that annually it was prepared NPM reports and legal publications by the Ombudsman Office and that 70 percent of the Ombudsman’s proposals about ensuring of human rights out of 200 have been taken into consideration.

In the frame of the training, participants visited the Special Boarding School No. 6 for children with speech impairments under the Ministry of Education, located in Turkan district of Baku as well as Correction facility under the Ministry of Justice, met with minor detainees and explained them their rights. The results of those visits have been discussed during the training. 

Finally, the participants have been awarded with certificates.

Source: Ombudsman Office, Azerbaijan

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