PAKISTAN | Ombudsman Sindh spoke at Ombudsman Conference in Rome building a bridge between citizens and local authorities

On 21 and 22 September 2023, Ombudsman Sindh Ajaz Ali Khan attended the International Conference of Ombudsman in Rome, on the invitation of the Honourable Marino Fardelli, President of the National Coordination of the Italian Ombudsman institutions and Ombudsman of the Lazio Region.

The main objective of the conference was to promote International collaboration and the exchange of best practices between Ombudsman institutions from all over the world. It created a unique forum where Ombudsman expressed and discussed the common challenges they face around the world.

The Ombudsman Sindh deliberated on the topic “The Ombudsman – a bridge between citizen and local authorities”. He said that Ombudsman is a pleader on part of aggrieved persons and helps the administrations rectify any injustice done to a person through different forms of maladministration, to protect human rights and to provide justice at the doorstep of marginalized segment of society. This applies especially for widows, orphans, pensioners, children as well as differently abled persons and those below poverty line through a speedy redressal of complaints.

The conference covered the topics of accessibility to information, citizen participation as a right, the digital transformation, the human rights in global crisis, and the right to health.


Source: The Office of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh, Pakistan

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