Bermuda | Ombudsman tables Annual Report 2017

Victoria Pearman, Ombudsman for Bermuda, has submitted her Annual Report for 2017 to the Speaker of the House of Assembly in accordance with her statutory duty under the Ombudsman Act 2004. The Report was tabled in the House of Assembly on 22 June 2018 and is available to the public. The Report is structured around the Ombudsman's strategic aims which include: greater public access, greater public awareness, and championing best practice.

In 2017 the Office of the Ombudsman handled 283 cases. The Report provides a breakdown of the disposition of cases by ministry and authority and includes selected case summaries. It also provides useful information for the public such as making your opinions count on matters of national interest. It contrains general information on seniors and financial assistance, Bemuda status and United States visa exemption, and organisational changes in Government.

During 2017, the Office inquired into various matters such as the Department of Financial Assistance's policies and procedures, communication of bus cancellation information by the Department of Public Transportation and the Department of Education's coordination of school learning support services. The Office also continued to prioritise senior abuse complaints oversight and follow-up on complaint handling oversight of financial institutions.

For the first time a survey for feedback on the Annual Report 2017 is included. The public are encouraged to share their comments with the Office by returning the survey in print or electronically as indicated on the survey. Personal details will not be recorded. To find the complete press release with more information, please refer to the download section below.


Source: Ombudsman for Bermuda

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