Lithuania | Ombudsmen convened at the Baltic-Nordic Ombudsmen Annual Meeting

Seimas Ombudsman Raimondas Šukys and the adviser of the Human Rights Division of the Seimas Ombudsmen's Office, Kristina Brazevic attended the Baltic-Nordic Ombudsmen annual meeting in Stockholm, where they discussed issues related to the prevention of torture and the harmonization of different mandates in a daily work of an ombudsperson.

During the event, the Baltic-Nordic ombudspersons and representatives of their institutions shared insights and experiences on the challenges they face in carrying out visits to reviewable entities and collaborating with human rights defenders as well as other human rights institutions.

The issues of the involvement of the ombudsperson in the process of improving legislation were discussed at the meeting. Besides, much attention was paid to awareness-raising activities aimed at raising public awareness of human rights.

The Ombudspersons in Sweden discussed ways and means to change a flawed perception of societies about specific human rights issues and deliberated about techniques to counteract the negative media coverage of the ombudsperson's work.

The Seimas Ombudsman Raimondas Šukys delivered the speech "Harmonisation of Various Mandates in a Daily Work of the Ombudsperson" at the meeting. Finally, the Latvian Ombudsman invited participants of the event to Riga, where the next meeting of the Baltic and Nordic Ombudspersons will be held in 2018.


Source: The Seimas Ombudsmen's Office of the Republic of Lithuania

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