The Commission for Constitutional Rights and Freedoms under the Ombudsperson of the Republic of Uzbekistan held an extended session on 4 February to hear the report of the Ombudsperson's activity in 2010. The session was attended by members of Senate and deputies of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, representatives of partner organizations, ministries and departments, courts and law enforcement agencies, nonstate noncommercial organizations and mass media.
Ombudsperson Saiyora Rashidova stressed during her speech that the reported period became decisive in the choice of strategy for the implementation of practical tasks on realization of state policy in the protection of human rights and freedoms. Ombudsperson Saiyora Rashidova held a legal expertise of a range of legal acts drafted by the parliamentarian committee, government, ministries and departments to analyze their conformity with international standards in human rights.
Since 2010 was announced the Year of Harmonically Developed Generation, Ombudsperson Saiyora Rashidova, along with departments and Ijtimoyi Fikr conducted the study of the implementation of the Law "On education" in the context of the guarantee of rights of youth for basic, special and professional education and further employment. The study was done to collect and process the information on the protection of rights of youth for the development in accordance with the established annual plan and chosen concept for monitoring of the rights of youth for the development and study of the law enforcement practice.
During the reported period Ombudsperson received 10,619 resorts from citizens, out of them 9731 complaints were lodged to the central office of Ombudsperson and 888 – to regional representatives. Totally, positive decisions were made on 663 applications, major portion of applications were sent to the Secretariat of the Ombudsperson via mail and made up 5,777 complaints. The largest number of claims concerned the protection of socioeconomic and personal rights, the right for judicial protection and fair trial.
Source: Office of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Uzbekistan