In 2012, the textbook “Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice: A Treatise on Technology and Dispute Resolution” was published. The book was awarded in 2013 by the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution (CPR Institute) with the “Global Annual Award for Best Published Work on Dispute Resolution." The book included a chapter on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and Ombudsmanship, edited by Ombudsman practitioner Dr. Frank Fowlie.
Dr. Fowlie is now working on an update on the ODR and Ombudsmanship chapter for a second edition of the book. The new edition of the chapter will investigate the uptake (or not) of technology assisted Ombudsman work and will evaluate the utility and nature of ODR for Ombuds practitioners in 2019.
Therefore, a survey directed at Ombudsman practitioners has been created. The goal is to determine the use of Online Dispute Resolution in the field. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete. As with any survey, the greater the number of participants, the greater data can be mined from it.
The textboxes are limited by Survey Monkey to 100 characters. Should you wish to provide any longer narratives on your experiences with - opinions of - ODR and Ombudsmanship, please email Dr. Frank Fowlie at
Your responses would be appreciated by Friday, December 6, 2019.
Source: Dr. Frank Fowlie, Ombudsman and expert on conflict resolution