CANADA | Ontario Ombudsman handles near-record number of cases, focuses on rights

Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé’s ninth Annual Report, released on 26 June 2024, reflects record and near-record complaints in several areas of his jurisdiction, including those focused on the rights of vulnerable children, people with disabilities, inmates and Ontarians seeking services in French.

The Ombudsman received 27,030 cases – complaints and inquiries – in fiscal 2023-2024, and resolved 57% of them in two weeks or less. The near-record case volume is up 10% from the previous year and is among the office’s highest in decades – surpassed only by 2018-2019’s total of 27,419.

Ombudsman Dubé attributes this growth largely to his Office’s work in areas that were only added to his jurisdiction in the past 5-8 years. Cases regarding children and youth in care increased by 15% over the previous year to 1,722 – and complaints about French language services surged by 73% over fiscal 2022-2023, to a record 511. The Ombudsman was given these responsibilities just five years ago, on May 1, 2019.

“Five years later, I am proud to say that we have seen remarkable results,” he writes in the report. “Both units brought our proven and effective approaches to this work, along with enormous dedication and passion for promoting the rights of young people and Francophones.”

Since May 2019, the Ombudsman’s Children and Youth Unit has received nearly 8,000 cases from young people and concerned adults, raised numerous issues proactively with the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, reviewed thousands of reports of deaths and serious bodily harm incidents involving young people who received child welfare services, and issued four investigation reports. All 112 recommendations from those investigations have been accepted.

Similarly, the Ombudsman’s French Language Services Unit has handled some 1,800 complaints in the same period, issued four annual reports devoted to French language services, and conducted two in-depth investigations.


Kinndly click here to read the entire article as well as to access the Annual report, the Ombudman's remarks on the Annual report and the Facts & Highlights.


Source: Ontario Ombudsman, Canada

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