Canada | Ontario Ombudsman wraps up annual Sharpening Your Teeth investigative training, announces dates for 2018 training

The Ontario Ombudsman’s Office hosted its annual advanced investigative training for administrative watchdogs on Oct. 16 -18, 2017. “Sharpening Your Teeth,” or SYT for short, has trained more than 700 ombudsmen, investigators and other watchdog agency staff at this Toronto course, from throughout Ontario, Canada and the world. Ombudsman staff have also delivered the training through the International Ombudsman Institute in Vienna and the U.S., and in countries in Asia, South America, Africa and Europe.

This year, more than 80 delegates attended the Toronto course, including the Botswana Ombudsman; the Bermuda Ombudsman; the Ombudsman for Ombudsman Services in the U.K.; staff from the Nova Scotia Ombudsman’s Office; and staff from oversight offices across Canada.

As one participant noted, “This was enormously beneficial and is one of the few professional development courses that I would have no hesitation to recommend.” Another participant agreed, saying, “I can attest that its world-class reputation is entirely warranted. It is an extremely well-organized and informative course, and one of the best professional development activities I have been offered in my career.”

The next Toronto course will be held from November 5-7, 2018, in downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Ontario Ombudsman also offers customized courses on a cost-recovery basis. Anyone interested in either a customized training course or the 2018 Toronto course can send an email for more information.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario

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