AUSTRALIA | OPCAT visits to ACT policing places of detention

The Commonwealth National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) and the ACT Ombudsman, as part of the ACT NPM, jointly monitor the conditions of detention in AFP and ACT policing facilities, to prevent the risk of torture or ill-treatment of detainees.

Last year the NPM conducted its first visits to Gungahlin, Belconnen, Woden and Tuggeranong Police Stations and the ACT Watch House. They made 38 suggestions for improvement across the five facilities.

ACT policing facilities are largely compliant with the Recommendations of the 1991 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody and with international standards, but improvements can be made for the safety of people in detention and staff.

Commonwealth and ACT Ombudsman, Mr Iain Anderson, said "These were the first NPM visits conducted at ACT Policing facilities. I was pleased to receive advice from the ACT Chief Police Officer, Deputy Commissioner Scott Lee APM, that ACT Policing have already fully implemented 1 suggestion, actioned 6, were actioning 11 and accepted and noted the remaining suggestions.”

These suggestions to the AFP and ACT Policing related not only to the conditions and facilities in which people are detained, and practices in the management of people in detention, but also to increasing safety through infrastructure upgrades.

Kindly click here to read the full Post Visit Summaries.


Source: The Commonwealth Ombudsman, Australia


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