UKRAINE | Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights releases Annual Report

The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights released its Annual Report "On the observance of human and citizens' rights and freedoms". The report provides an overall assessment of the current human rights situation, particularly in the light of the ongoing turmoils, in Ukraine. In her introductory assessment Commissioner Valeriya Lutkovska, explained: "2013 will stay in memory of numerous generations as a year of mass protests and blatant violations of human rights. It was a time when the Commissioner responded to a number of significant challenges in the area of protection of human rights."

The Annual Report includes information on efforts that have been taken by the Secretariat of the Commissioner and on goals that have been achieved in regard to the "Strategic Plan of actions of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights for 2013-2017".

An additional focus was laid on the issue of observance of the right to access to public information, on the rights of labour migrants as well as on the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities.

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