DENMARK | Parliamentary Ombudsman published Annual Report 2021

In accordance with the Ombudsman Act, the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman submits an annual report on his work to the Danish Parliament. The international edition of the 2021 Annual Report of the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman seeks to share information and experiences internationally with colleagues and others with a special interest in ombudsman work. This report contains elements from our Danish report but also elements that are unique to this international version.

2021 was dominated by the COVID-19 pandemic as was 2020. In spite of the pandemic, the Parliamentary Ombudsman processed a large number of complaints and carried out the monitoring visits that were already planned. Internationally, the office was happy to be able to receive guests from abroad in 2021 for the first time in two years. Representatives from the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia visited Denmark to discuss the role of Ombudsman institutions in securing access to public facilities for persons with disabilities.

The Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman has been elected by Parliament. His task is to help ensure that administrative authorities act in accordance with the law and good administrative practice, thus protecting citizens’ rights vis-à-vis the authorities. The Ombudsman investigates complaints, opens cases on his own initiative and carries out monitoring visits.


Source: Office of the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman

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