IOI | Poland must apply internationally recognized standards to ensure Ombudsman can operate without interruption

In view of current developments in Poland, the IOI reissues its official letter of support from October 2020, stating its opinion on provisions regulating the transitional period until a new office holder will be elected for the position of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights.

Poland must apply and consider internationally recognized standards such as the Venice Principles or the recently adopted UN Resolution on Ombudsman and Mediator Institutions, to ensure that the Ombudsman institution is able to fulfil its mandate without interruption and can perform its duties in the service of the citizens of Poland.

Rules guaranteeing an uninterrupted functioning of an Ombudsman office are indispensable for effectively promoting good governance and upholding the rule of law. A strong and independent Ombudsman institution, in compliance with the Venice Principles, is a key element for the promotion and protection of human rights in Poland as a member state of the European Union.

The IOI therefore abides by the opinion and concerns raised in its letter of October 2020 and reiterates its full support for the office of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights.

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