The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights in Hungary released a press statement on 25 September 2013 informing about findings of the Ombudsman's On-the-Spot Inspection and about Ombudsman Máté Szabó completing his mandate.
Camp of Tents for Refugees - Findings of the Ombudsman's On-the-Spot Inspection
The number of people requesting asylum in Hungary from January to May this year is more than three times more than the total of last year. Compared to the same period of last year, the number of asylum requests is tenfold. Based on these data, the colleagues of the Ombudsman have conducted an unannounced inspection in the tent camp for refugees established on the premises of the Nagyfa unit of the Szeged Penitentiary and Prison. The on-the-spot investigation has not found any infringement of basic rights in connection with the arrest of illegal immigrants but it has uncovered some anomalies in the camp's management.
Ombudsman Máté Szabó has Completed his Mandate on 24 September
Jurist cum political scientist Prof. Dr. Máté Szabó was elected Parliamentary Commissioner for CivilRights back in 2007. He was elected for six years, his mandate expires today, on 24 September 2013. During his tenure in office, in early 2012, the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights was established in lieu of the former fundamental rights protection system of four commissioners. Beside the Ombudsman, two deputies work in this new Office in charge of the protection of the rights of future generations and nationalities living in Hungary, respectively.
Source: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary