MACEDONIA | Promotion of a guide in Macedonian language for the Articles 5 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights

“The right to personal liberty and security from one side and the freedom of expression on another, represent a pre-condition for exercising many other rights, but also a pre-condition for a functional democracy. If the democratic process cannot be imagined without a respect of the basic human freedoms and rights, hereby including the right to personal liberty and security, then neither the democracy as such cannot be imagined without tolerance and pluralism, without a possibility for a freedom of personal opinion, freedom to receive information and ideas and freedom to send information and ideas“ .This among others was emphasized by the deputy Ombudsman Ms. Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa at the promotion of the translation in Macedonian language of the publications “Guide to the Article 5-Right to Liberty and Security” and “Report from the Research-Positive Obligations on Member States under Article 10” from the European Convention on Human Rights.

During her speech Ms. Bajramovska-Mustafa stressed the importance of the translation and the publication of this legal document in Macedonian language for the purpose of improvement of the knowledge of all those who work in the field of human rights, in particular the bodies that meritoriously decide about deprivation of liberty, the citizens’ defenders in procedures before a responsible court.

The translation of these publications was in cooperation with the Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia, the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation, the Academy for Judges and Public Prosecutors of the Republic of Macedonia “Pavel Shatev” and the Chamber of Attorneys of the Republic of Macedonia.

Source: Ombudsman of the Republic of Macedonia, MACEDONIA

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