serbia | Protection of child victims of human trafficking is in the focus of the Protector of Citizens

The Deputy Protector of Citizens for Children's Rights, Jelena Stojanović, said today that this institution, in carrying out the tasks of the National Rapporteur in the field of trafficking in human beings, a new competence given by the new Law on the Protector of Citizens from November 2021, will pay special attention to child victims of trafficking in human beings.

"The Protector of Citizens was very engaged in the protection of child victims of violence, abuse and trafficking in human beings, children in street situations, children with developmental disabilities and children with physical disabilities. In the coming period, we will continue to improve these activities within the new competence of the National Rapporteur in the field of trafficking in human beings", said Stojanović in her opening speech at the international meeting of the Network of Social Service Organizations.

Stojanović stated at the meeting, which was organized in Belgrade by the organization for the protection of victims of human trafficking "Atina", that the Protector of Citizens, as an independent state body in the highest A status, actively participates in the work of the National Coalition to End Child Marriage in Serbia and that it often indicates the necessity of developing a comprehensive national strategy on combating street situations among children, as well as a protocol on the protection of children in street situations.

The Deputy Protector of Citizens pointed out that the Protector of Citizens pointed out to the competent authorities the necessity of protecting children from secondary victimization and traumatization during the procedures conducted by judicial authorities in cases of protection of children from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.

Stojanović also said that the Youth Advisory Panel of the Protector of Citizens, which was formed in 2010 as a form of permanent participation of children in the work of this institution, has been very active in recent months through the training of panelists for transferring their knowledge to their peers on children's rights and available protection mechanisms, but also on the rights and protection of persons from particularly vulnerable categories of the population.


Source: Office of the Protector of Citizens, Serbia

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