TANZANIA | Public awareness on land rights

The Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) is both Human rights and Ombudsman Institution in the United Republic of Tanzania. Between 28 September and 20 October 2013, in line with its enabling Act, Section 6(1)(d), Chapter 391, in collaboration with Ministry of Land, Housing and Human Settlement Development, Prime Minister’s Office-Regional Authority and Local Government, Zanzibar Law Reform Commission and Haki Ardhi (NGO) conducted public awareness on Land Rights in 22 districts out of 169 districts of the 14 regions of Tanzania. This activity was financed by Legal Sector Reform Programme. The targeted groups were citizens and local government officials at the ward and village levels.

The overall objective was to enhance public awareness on land laws, rights and obligations and ultimately ensure smooth operation of land matters in Tanzania and consequently reduce ongoing land conflicts.

More specifically the targeted groups were enlightened on the land laws and land rights; proper management and administration of land matters; procedures for occupation, dispositions and compulsory acquisition of land; device of smooth mechanisms to settle land disputes; gender equality in all land matters and effective citizens’ participation and decision making on land matters.

Various public and indoor meetings, public addresses, facilitation, questions and answers, group works and presentations, case studies, live radio programmes and face to face interactions were employed. As a result about 8,529 citizens and leaders were reached and received knowledge on land laws, rights and obligations as a vital for their participation in land matters and their capacity to claim their rights. And CHRAGG managed to receive more than 77 land related complaints and resolved some of them on the ground.


Source: Office of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance, Tanzania

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