CANADA/ALBERTA | Release of Annual Reports 2013-2014

This is the first annual report for the Public Interest Commissioner’s office, while this year marks the 47th annual report for the Alberta Ombudsman.

Overall, the Ombudsman received 3,847 oral complaints (up 14 per cent from the previous year). Written complaints are also up from the previous year by 11 per cent, at 1,008. And while the volume of complaints has risen over the past four years, our goal of conducting efficient investigations is showing positive signs.

For example, in 2009-10, we closed 140 investigations, with 68 of those (or 49 per cent) less than a year old. Last year, we closed 185 investigations, with 121 of those (or 65 per cent) less than a year old.

Two investigations into whistleblower allegations where conducted last year by the Public Interest Commissioner. Progress was made building awareness of the province’s new whistleblower legislation, tracking compliance with the legislation among public sector entities, and establishing the office, including hiring investigators and bringing policies and investigative procedures online.

Source: Alberta Ombudsman/Public Interest Commissioner, CANADA

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