A significant rise in the number of complaints where the NHS has failed to provide an adequate remedy or proper apology when things have gone wrong is highlighted in a new report published by the Health Service Ombudsman on 9 November 2012. In one case seen by the Ombudsman, a bereaved daughter was told, 'Death is rarely an ideal situation for anyone' and that 'Truth betold your mother probably said her goodbyes long before the final moments' .
The report, Listening and learning, which gives an overview of NHS complaintsmade to the Ombudsman in 2011-12, includes other real-life examples of responses given to people who have complained about the NHS. The Health Service Ombudsman, a free and independent service for anyone who is unhappy with NHS services, is calling on the NHS to improve the way it deals with complaints on the ground.
Source: Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
The press release and the full report is available for download here: