Azerbaijan | Representative of the Ombudsman Office attended international event held in Uzbekistan

An international conference on “Comparative Indicators for Measuring Progress in Human Rights” was co-organized in Uzbekistan by UN, OSCE, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation and the National Center on Human Rights of Uzbekistan.

Rashad Novruzov, Head of Unit for Civil and Political Rights of the Ombudsman Office attended the event. He made a presentation on “the Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Azerbaijani practice”.

Mr Novruzov gave information about the work carried out in the country in the field of implementation of SDGs, state programs and concepts approved with Presidential Decrees and Orders, the status of their implementation, the activities of the Azerbaijani Ombudsman in this regard as well as cooperation built with international organizations, state bodies and NGOs.

He also focused on proposals  made by the Azerbaijani Ombudsman such as enhancing legal awareness events about SDGs, mobilizing human resources to meet these goals, the creation of a unified information base, preparation of publications, involvement of specialised local NGOs into working groups consisting of the representatives of state bodies for defining SDGs and their indicators, enhancing youth participation, setting up network of women politicians, entrepreneurs and women working in NGOs and involving them in ensuring gender equality, conducting regular surveys, monitoring, analysing work done on SDGs with state bodies and civil society institutions, defining positive results and gaps and to build activity in this regard.


Source: Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman), Azerbaijan

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