The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights together with the East Ukrainian center of public initiatives held a round table discussing the access of the public to general town planning scheme and how to ensure the implementation of requirements of the legislation.
Representatives of the East Ukrainian center of public initiatives presented the research "Access of the public to general town planning schemes", which was then followed by a discussion of the problems of the practical implementation of provisions of the Ukrainian legislation for ensuring unhindered access of citizens to general town planning schemes.
Delivering the speech the Representative of the Commissioner for communicative policy and public relations Mr. Mykhailo Chaplyga outlined information protection of general town planning scheme as one of problems of implementation of the Law "On access to public Information" that influences possibility of society and certain inhabitants to have an impact on processes of planning and development of settlements.
"Inhabitants of settlements have to know how the settlement development is planned, what objects are or are planned to construct in this settlement, society has to have opportunity to influence actively processes of planning and development of settlements", – the Representative of the Commissioner emphasized.
The full press release is available on the website of the Commissioner for Human Rights.
Source: Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Ukraine