HUNGARY | School items donated to children in need

The participating representatives from the Hungarian Prison Service, the County Police Headquarters with jurisdiction over the given counties and the relevant state-owned forestry enterprises contributed by offering sports equipment, stationery and hygienic supplies during the donation events to facilitate an easier transition to educational duties.

During the project, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights visited all the residential child care communities that had been remade via the renovation efforts. Among others, the Commissioner visited the following facilities between 27-30 August, 2024: Saint Benedict Children’s Home of the Saint Agatha Child Protection Service, Roman Catholic Diocese of Szeged–Csanád (based in Felsőzsolca); Saint Bernadette Children’s Home (based in Szentlőrinc); Saint Patrick Special-purpose Children’s Home for Boys (based in Baja); Rum Special-purpose Children’s Home (based in Rum); Ipolypart Fészek Children’s Home (based in Balassagyarmat); Veszprém-Gyulafirátót Children’s Home of the Veszprém County Regional Child Protection Service of the National Child Protection Service (based in Veszprém-Gyulafirátót); Mónosbél Children’s Home of the Heves County Child Protection Centre (based in Mónosbél); Százszorszép Children’s Home of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Children’s Protection Centre.

During the visits, representatives from the project stakeholders such as the regional governors of the Hungarian Prison Service, the state-owned forestry enterprises like the Szombathely Forestry Plc., the Mecsekerdő Plc., the VERGA Veszprém Forestry Plc., followed by Egererdő Plc., Északerdő Plc. and Ipoly Erdő Plc took part along with the police commissioners from the counties of Veszprém, Nógrád, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Bács-Kiskun, Baranya, Heves and Vas.

The refurbishment project involving residential child care communities was initiated in 2021 by the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, with the cooperation and solicited attendance of Lieutenant General Dr. Tamás Tóth, Director General of the Hungarian Prison Service and Mr. Péter Zambó, State Secretary for Forests and Land Affairs.

As per the project, the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters performed a complete overhaul of two residential child care communities in 2021, with the help of the Szombathely Forestry Plc. The initiative carried on in 2022 and 2023 as well, and saw two more children’s home fully restored as a result of the cooperation between the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, the Hungarian Prison Service Headquarters, the State Secretariat for Forests and Land Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Plcs. of Mecsekerdő and VERGA. The year 2024 followed suit with the renovation the Ipolyparti Fészek Children’s Home, for which the assistance of Ipoly Forestry Plc. had been enlisted.


Source: The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, Hungary

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