United Kingdom | Scottish Public Services Ombudsman publishes Annual Report 2017-18

The Scottisch Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) published last Wednesday, 19th of September, the Annual Report for the year 2017-18. The Ombudsman, Rosemary Agnew, is delighted to report a strong performance and the office’s many significant achievements over the year. These included: clearing our backlog of cases, laying our new strategic plan before Parliament, issuing our report “Making Complaints Work for Everyone” and positive engagement with a wide range of stakeholder.2017–18 also saw us achieve a major milestone with the NHS being the final sector to implement model complaint handling procedures.  This means all Scottish public services now take the same, two-stage approach to complaints handling.

The SPSOs complaint handling performance at a glance:

- SPSO handled 904 enquiries.

- SPSO received 4,125 and closed 4,226 complaints.

- SPSO upheld 58.8% of complaints.

- SPSO made 635 recommendations about learning and improvement, 448 recommendations to provide individual remedy for an aggrieved person and 109 recommendations to improve complaints handling performance of public bodies.

- SPSO closed 97.1% of complaints within 260 days against a target of 95%. 


In order to read the full report, please refer to the section below.


Source: Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, United Kingdom

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