IOI | Second round table event with World Bank on 11 May 2015 in Washington

As part of the broader accountability system, Ombudsman institutions promote citizen rights, oversee government agencies and service providers, and serve as bridges between citizens and their respective governments.

To enhance a better understanding and to raise awareness on the role of Ombudsman institutions, this round-table will share the experiences of Ombudsman offices, it will present current World Bank engagement with Ombudsman institutions and explore potential areas for further mutual cooperation.

Panelists at this round-table include Peter Tyndall (IOI 2nd Vice-President and Ombudsman of Ireland), Danang Girindrawardana (Chief Ombudsman of Indonesia), Ulrike Grieshofer (Head of IOI General Secretariat), Hisham Waly (Practice Manager, Financial Management & Public Sector and Governance, GGP, World Bank) and Naseer Ahmad Rana (Senior Governance Advisor, GGP, World Bank).

You can participate by registering until May 10, 2015 or follow the roundtable via a Live Webcast. For detailed information please see the attached flyer.

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