IOI | Secretary General Werner Amon undertakes an official visit to the President of the IOI

On Sunday 13 March and Monday 14 March, IOI Secretary General and Austrian Ombudsman, Mr Werner Amon, undertook an official visit to the President of the IOI and Western Australian Ombudsman, Mr Chris Field. The IOI is the global organisation representing 205 Ombudsman institutions from over 100 countries. The IOI Secretariat is domiciled in Vienna in the offices of the Austrian Ombudsman.

The Secretary General was accompanied by the Executive Director of the IOI Secretariat, Mr Meinhard Friedl. The President was accompanied by the Head of the International Secretariat and office of the President, Assistant Ombudsman Rebecca Poole.

The official visit commenced with an informal dinner on Sunday 13 March, followed by an official bilateral exchange on the morning of Monday 14 March. Following a tour of the office of the Ombudsman, a formal lunch was held in the Members’ Dining Room of Parliament House. The delegation was accompanied at lunch by Mr Wilfried Wimmler, Honorary Consul of Austria. The delegation then undertook a tour of the Parliament. The Ombudsman then accompanied his guests to visit two great Western Australian icons, Kings Park and Cottesloe Beach, including the annual Sculptures by the Sea.  

“I am deeply indebted to my friend and colleague the Secretary General for visiting me as a matter of first priority following the change in Western Australia’s borders. Nothing the IOI does would be possible without the generous support of the Austrian Government and the tireless efforts of the Secretariat of the IOI, led so incredibly well by the Secretary General” said President Field.  

“It was a great privilege and pleasure for me to welcome both the Secretary General and the Executive Director to share, with great pride, our outstanding city with them. The official visit has further strengthened our exceptional working relationship. It has also fortified our resolve to ensure that we continue the vital work of the IOI in protecting and promoting human rights, good governance and the rule of law around the world” said President Field.

Source: Office of the IOI President and Western Australian Ombudsman

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