As of 1 July 2012 the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) operates as National Preventive Mechanism within the OPCAT-regime. With regard to these new tasks the AOB attended the expert workshop on “Irregular migrants, Frontex and the NPMs” on 12 and 13 June 2012 in Belgrade as an observer.
The 9th thematic workshop was hosted by the Office of the Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia (and NPM of Serbia) and was geared at NPMs, international monitoring bodies, as well as thematic experts, involved in the monitoring of risks of torture or ill-treatment during the removal process and the deportation of irregular migrants. The workshop involved those experts working together with members of SPT, CPT and APT, representatives of the European Commission and the Council of Europe as well as representatives from the International Organization for Migration and Frontex.
The workshop comprised two days of discussions on monitoring joint enforced removals by air and cooperation between NPMs, international monitoring bodies and Frontex. Furthermore, the discussions focused on the issues for consideration by NPMs and the risks of ill-treatment concerning arrivals by land and interception and push-backs at sea.
NPMs, international monitoring bodies and experts exchanged knowledge and expertise regarding the topics of discussion. During the workshop the NPMs had the opportunity to discuss human rights aspects of joint removal processes, forced removals and related activities at state borders and the external borders of the EU and at sea with representatives of Frontex. Different forms of monitoring such processes in compliance with OPCAT and other monitoring obligations were discussed as well. The Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) took the opportunity to inform colleagues from the international community about the establishment and organization of the NPM in Austria which is operated by the AOB as of 1 July 2012.
Detailed information is available for download on the website of the Council of Europe: