The Managing Director of a leather garments factory in Karachi filed a complaint that the officials of Sindh Wildlife Department in connivance with some officials of Pakistan Customs have illegally detained his consignment of 127 jackets with original Fox Fur Collar by misinterpreting clauses of the ministry of environment notification issued in the year 2005, which in fact had been repealed in 2009.
To provide relief to the complainant, Ombudsman Sindh Mr. Ashraf Malik issued directives to the authorities concerned to initiate enquiry against the officers/officials involved.
The enquiry proved that detention of consignment by the Wildlife and Customs Departments was illegal and Hon’ble Ombudsman Sindh has given directives to the Director General, FIA to take stern action against the concerned to prevent recurrence in future of such unlawful acts.
Source: Office of the Provincial Ombudsman Sindh