CYPRUS | Statement regarding measures to combat Covid-19 and their compatibility with human rights law

The Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman) of Cyprus issued a statement regarding the measures taken to combat the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and their compatibility with human rights law.

The statement was deemed necessary because a number of citizens had reached out to the Ombudsman complaining about the measures and claiming that they violate their fundamental rights.

Because the complaints generally claimed that the measures in question taken by the State violated fundamental human rights of the citizens, the Commissioner intervened/positioned in her capacity as the National Human Rights Institution (NHRI).

In particular, the complaints focused on measures, such as obligation to wear protective masks, requirements for mandatory examination of employees with the method of rapid antigen detection test, the compulsory examination of high school students to rapid test, or the pressure on a number of employees to be vaccinated.

In her Statement, the Commissioner recorded and analyzed the relevant legislative, jurisprudential and institutional framework, both at international and national level. Emphasis was placed on the provisions of international human rights instruments, which protect the right to privacy, equal treatment and non-medical treatment without the consent of the person concerned.

To read the full statement of the Ombudsman, please see the summary document further down below.


Source: Office of the Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights (Ombudsman), Cyprus

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