MALAWI | Taking the Ombudsman to the people

Through the Chilungamo Program, funded by the European Union, Office of the Ombudsman has in the previous week carried out a number of activities across the country aimed at ensuring that the capacity of citizens to demand transparency and accountability from duty bearers is enhanced. The activities were as follows:

On 11 February, 2019; The Ombudsman and the legal team held public inquiries in Mzuzu on cases where the parties have not come to an agreement at ordinary investigation stages in the office; or where the investigators have failed to get responses from the respondent despite numerous reminders; or where the facts of the case plus the urgency of the matter require a directive from the Ombudsman. Due to the nature of these cases that the majority will end with determination.

From 11-15 February, 2019; The Investigations department held tripartite meetings with the aim of mediating and arbitrating on cases that are lacking reasonable progress through correspondences between Office of the Ombudsman and respondents to ensure that they are concluded expeditiously. These tripartite meetings were conducted in Nkhotakota, Ntchisi, Kasungu, Mchinji, Salima, Dowa, Dedza, Ntcheu. We hope to resolve more cases through this process.

From 11-15 February, 2019; the civic education and investigations departments held Mobile clinics in Nkhotakota. The mobile clinics involve sensitization meetings with Area Development Committees, public rallies and setting up of temporary offices for complaints intake, instant investigation and resolution of alleged maladministration.

On 12 February, 2019; The Ombudsman and the directors held a meeting in Rumphi with the District Executive Committee (DEC) to present public service delivery issues and complaints identified through mobile clinic activities that were conducted in the District end of year 2018. The Ombudsman then made recommendations to remedy the complaints and improve public service delivery in the district. The heads of institutions were given timelines to resolve the complaints and make the necessary changes as recommended. Office of the Ombudsman will then follow up in order to make sure that the recommendations are implemented.


Office of the Ombudsman, Malawi

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