The Ombudsman of Catalonia, Rafael Ribó, in the framework of the European Network of Ombudsmen conference, which took place on April 8th and 9th in Brussels analized, together with ombudsmen from all over Europe, what effects has the entry into force of the new European data protection regulation on the institution.
Ribó led a working group on the effects of the law and explained some of the actions carried out by the Catalan Ombudsman in order to guarantee compliance with the new regulations since their coming into force. Among others, all complaints procedures and forms have been reviewed and the entire staff has been trained on the criteria that must be followed to protect the confidentiality of the data managed. In addition, the consulting services of an experienced person have been hired, along with other statutory control bodies. According to the Catalan Ombudsman, the ombudsmen work with highly sensitive material and the new regulations are more of a tool than an obligation. In the presentation of conclusions, Ribó emphasized the degree of responsibility assumed by the Ombudsman in the implementation of the law.
European Ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, has hosted the annual European Network of Ombudsmen conference, where measures to improve participatory democracy in the EU have been discussed. Some of the issues raised were: Do citizens feel they can shape EU decisions? What makes a successful participatory democracy tool? How can public administrations, ombudsmen and others better involve citizens in decision-making?
This annual event brings together around 100 national and regional ombudsmen from all over Europe, as well as MEPs, EU officials, organisations and other interested participants. In addition to participation in public affairs, other issues dealt with in depth on this occasion have been family benefits, social rights and the right to health.
Source: Sindic de Greuges de Catalunya, Spain