The Defensor del Pueblo Annual Report 2015 presented before the Parliament reflects the changes in the manner of operation of this institution, as well as in the work itself. The principle intent of these changes has been to establish a better relationship with citizens based on their right to know the actions and reasons of public administration, and of all public institutions and affairs that affect or interest them.
With the introduction of new information technologies in our daily work, not only have we facilitated and streamlined responses to citizens, we have also increased the effectiveness of the institution and the eagerness of all personnel to respond promptly and in manner completely comprehensible to those we are addressing.
Moreover, these technologies facilitate permanent contact with a greater number of citizens, associations, foundations, non-governmental organizations and all public administrations. These contacts serve to better convey information concerning our activities so that the greatest number of people possible can benefit from knowing this information. It also allows us to highlight issues of interest and the Defensor del Pueblo´s position on those issues.
Some of the changes introduced are presented below:
- Facilitate the process of presenting and following a complaint online, in a personalized and private manner, without the impairment of other procedures such as phone calls or written presentations.
- Simplifying letters to administrations highlighting the actions or information requested, with the object of facilitating responses.
- Give account of the time taken by the institution of the Defensor in responding to citizens, as well as of the time taken by the administrations in their responses.
The Annual Report details the actions of the institution: it gives an account of statistical data related to our activities; the number of complaints received and their state in being processed; ex officio actions before administrations and resolutions issued to the same; the follow-up of these resolutions as well as requests for intervention before the Constitutional Tribunal. Logically, the report includes the responses of administrations (without revealing the personal information that ought to be kept private) and those resolutions still awaiting responses.
Source: Defensor del Pueblo