THAILAND | The New Zealand office of the Ombudsman provided online training to the Thailand office

On June 19, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time, the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand, in collaboration with the Office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand, organized an online training activity on the topic of “Complaints, including the intake and management of difficult complainants,” for the investigation and legal affairs officers.

The recent training session, organized under the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand and the Office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand, commenced with an opening speech by a Thailand Ombudsman Office’s representative, Ms. Nalinpun Waisuebkao, Director of the International Affairs Bureau from Thailand Ombudsman Office. The session featured by the New Zealand Office’s team - Ms. Grace Taylor (Consultant, International Engagement and Development) as a keynote lecturer, Ms. Hsu-Ee Khoo (Senior Advisor, Investigation Skills), and Ms. Sarah Ramsay (Manager of Intake and Early Assistance Team) providing insights, engaging in a dynamic Q&A and exchanging ideas and opinions with Thai training participants.

The training focused on Unreasonable Complainant Conduct (UCC), which poses risks to health and safety of officers or violates their privacy. Presenters referenced the “Unreasonable Complainant Conduct Manual” of the office of the Ombudsman of New Zealand, which collected and assessed various difficult complainants’ behavior and provided effective strategies for the officers to manage and respond appropriately to challenging complainants behaviour.

This activity is a part of a joint effort to enhance the operational capacities of both
offices to perform their legal missions through joint academic activities and specialized training for the officers.



Source: The Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand


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