Australia | The Ombudsman continues its oversight of correctional centres and youth detention in Queensland

Ombudsman officers provide people in detention with access to an independent complaints investigation service and make visits to centres across Queensland. The Ombudsman has also released public reports about closed environments with recommendations for improvement in policy and practice.

Last year the Office received 726 complaints about actions and decisions of Queensland Correctives Services. One in three of those complaints were about treatment issues including transfer, accommodation, parole and access to programs.

The Office’s Prisoner PhoneLink services receives around 400 calls a year and young people in detention centres have access to a free telephone service to make a complaint. The privileged mail system also provides confidential access to the Office’s complaints service.

On planned visits to centres, Ombudsman officers investigate complaints, review administrative systems and provide information and advice to centre management.

The Ombudsman has released public reports about incidents and systemic issues in closed environments. The Office’s most recent public report, released in March 2019, was The Brisbane Youth Detention Centre report (2019). Other public reports include: Strip Searching of Female Prisoners (2014) and Overcrowding at Brisbane Women's Correctional Centre Report (2016).


Source: Queensland Ombudsman, Australia 

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