BOSNIA AND HERzEGOVINA | The Ombudsman Institution releases 2022 Annual Report

The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an independent institution, established with the task of promoting good governance and the rule of law, and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as by international instruments and standards for the protection of human rights, primarily the European Convention on Human Rights and its protocols. In accordance with the national legislative framework, the Ombudsman Institution submits an Annual Report on the results of its work in the previous year to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the legislatures of the entities – the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The specificity of the Annual Report of the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the fact that it serves as a tool to present the activities of the Ombudsman Institution and the results of these activities. This primarily involves activities related to handling citizens' complaints, monitoring, promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms, providing opinions, as well as other activities in accordance with the national legislative framework. Through their annual report, the Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina point out to the public authorities the most prominent problems that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina face in exercising their rights, as well as the poor functioning of public administration and the failures of public authorities that result in violations of the basic human rights and freedoms of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Annual Report of the Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of specific segments, depending on the area to which an individual's complaint relates (e.g., civil and political rights, rights in the judiciary and administration, economic, social, and cultural rights, and others). A special part of the annual report relates to the actions of the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cases of discrimination, in accordance with the provisions of lex specialis regarding the prohibition of discrimination. The parts of the annual report also include cooperation with the media and the public in general, with civil society organizations, and the implementation of recommendations by the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina and cooperation with public authorities in this regard.


To read the annual report, kindly refer to the download section below.


Source: The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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