The Québec Ombudsman announced the launch of its Facebook and Google + pages and its Twitter account.
Citizens following the Québec Ombudsman’s different accounts will be kept informed of public announcements concerning the institution, as well as the Québec Ombudsman’s official opinions upon the release of briefs, special reports or annual reports. These new forums will also be a platform to help them file complaints with the Québec Ombudsman if they believe they have been treated unjustly or unfairly by Québec public services.
To follow us and discuss issues with us on social networks, you can:
- Become a fan of the Québec Ombudsman’s Facebook page
- Follow the Québec Ombudsman on Twitter @PCitoyen
- Add us to your circles on Google + Le Protecteur du citoyen
Please consult our Netiquette for more information on the rules of participation in force on our social networks.
Source: Ombudsman of Québec, Canada