SPAIN | The Spanish Ombudsman inaugurates the twinning project in Turkey

The Spanish Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, recalled that human rights know no borders, during her speech before the Turkish Parliament, on the occasion of the commencement of the twining project for support to the Turkish Ombudsman.

As explained by the Spanish Ombudsman, this project will be a reference of how sister Institutions can work together in the same direction: “that of improving procedures of action, of learning from each other and in this way to serve our citizens better, the sole reason for our existence”.

Soledad Becerril also highlighted that “the Ombudsman institutions are key factors in the modernization of countries, which is essential in an EU candidate country”.

Spain’s Ombudsman currently leads this Spanish-French project, funded by the European Union, for the purpose of assisting in the start-up of the Ombudsman institution in Turkey.

The Turkish Ombudsman institution was created at the end of 2012 and has been in operation for little more than one year. The twinning project for supporting the Turkish Ombudsman is scheduled to last two years, and it is headed by the Ombudsman institutions of Spain and France in  collaboration with the International and Iberoamerican Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP).

In the course of its history, Spain’s Ombudsman institution has collaborated in a number of Twining missions for providing technical assistance to governments and similar institutions, advising them on the organisation and operation of the Ombudsman offices. This has been the case with projects already carried out in Kazakhstan, Armenia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. All of these projects were successfully concluded and have been applauded by other international institutions, contributing to expand the “Marca España” ("Spain Brand").


Source: The Ombudsman of Spain, Spain

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