Tragic events in Norway

I.O.I. representatives have reacted to the tragic events in Norway expressing their solidarity. In a communication to the Norwegian Ombudsman and member of the European I.O.I. Board Arne Fliflet I.O.I. President Beverley Wakem expressed on behalf of the entire ombudsman community  her deep sympathy: “I hope that you and your staff and families have been personally untouched by these terrible events.  Nonetheless you will all be shocked and saddened that such a thing could happen. I certainly speak for the entire I.O.I. family when offering any assistance that might be helpful to your institution.”

I.O.I. Secretary General Dr. Peter Kostelka added in his communication: “Throughout the past decades Norway has been a role model of a western European democracy with a tolerant and open-minded society and a strong international involvement. Democracy is ever more important in these times and your institution is certainly one of the cornerstones of the democratic and progressive Norway as we know it.”

For the European region Regional-Vice President Rafael Ribo expressed his solidarity: “Those criminal acts are attacking and threatening fundamental values in our democracy and in our open society. As ombudsman we feel a strong commitment to contribute to guarantee fundamental rights, democracy and deep values for humanhood.”

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