PAKISTAN | Wafaqi Mohtasib Pakistan inaugurates Annual Conference of Banking Mohtasib

The Wafaqi Mohtasib Pakistan, Mr. Ejaz Ahmed Qureshi, has said that all the Ombudsmen are working in their respective jurisdictions with a commitment to resolve the grievances of the general public speedily. On 31 August 2024, these remarks were made by Mr. Qureshi while inaugurating the Annual Conference of Banking Mohtasib Pakistan with the "Focus on Values in Public Sector Services" at a local hotel in Karachi. All the institutions of Ombudsmen are doing public service by resolving the complainants' grievances.

He lauded the role of Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz for taking the initiative of holding this Conference to share the collective experience of good governance and rule of law, adding that such initiatives are essential for improving the efficiency of an organization.

Speaking about the development and progress of Federal Ombudsman's Office, Mr. Qureshi said that there were only four offices a few years back which have now gone up to 24 Offices in every nook and corner of the country.

Speaking on the occasion, the former Federal Minister, Mr. Javed Jabbar lauded the Banking Mohtasib Pakistan, Mr. Sirajuddin Aziz for the remarkable initiative taken by him to hold the First Ever Conference in which all the officers and staff across Pakistan (BMP Secretariat and Regional Offices) are participating. "This reflects his vision and empathy for the people that the Conference has been held after 19 years of the establishment of the Banking Mohtasib Pakistan Secretariat", he added.

He also emphasized to the audience to inculcate in their lives the values of respect, integrity, etc. to ameliorate the lot of the people. Mr. Javed Jabbar stressed upon the need for providing financial assistance to women engaged in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In this regard he asked the Banking Mohtasib to use his good offices to persuade the State Bank of Pakistan officials as well as high-ups of commercial banks to provide finances to SMEs, particularly to women.


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Source: Banking Mohtasib, Pakistan

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