Whilst the reach of national Ombudsman offices is very wide, some countries have established sector specific Ombudsman to deal with sector specific issues.
The African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC) held a webinar to showcase sectoral Ombudsman – namely Municipal, Police and Military Ombudsman – and to discuss the basis and mandate of sectoral Ombudsman, their relationship with the national Ombudsman, as well as the process for the appointment and removal of staff.
Speakers at this webinar were Ms. Helena Nachtergaele, Ombudswoman of the City of Ghent (Belgium), Lt Gen (Ret) Vusumuzi Masondo, South African Military Ombud (SAMO), and Major General Oswald Reddy, Western Cape Police Ombudsman (South Africa).
You can now watch the video record of the webinar on YouTube and you will find the speakers’ presentations in the download section below.
Source: African Ombudsman Research Centre (AORC)
Presentation Helena Nachtergaele - Ombudsman City of Ghent (Belgium) (1,9 MiB)
Presentation Lt. Gen. (ret.) Vusumuzi Masondo - Military Ombud South Africa (347,6 KiB)
Presentation Major General Oswald Reddy - Western Cape Police Ombudsman (South Africa) (2,0 MiB)
AORC Webinar - Sectoral Ombudsman (Municipal, Police, Military) - Invitation & Speaker Information (1,0 MiB)