AUSTRALIA | Western Australian Ombudsman speaks at APCS Annual Conference

The Western Australian Ombudsman, Chris Field, has given a speech entitled, The role of the Ombudsman in reviewing Child Deaths and Family Violence Fatalities, at the Asia Pacific Coroners Society (APCS) Annual Conference, held in Perth, Western Australia.

The presentation covered:

  • An overview of the role of the Western Australian Ombudsman in fatality reviews
  • Issues regarding the administration of state government agencies’ responsibilities;
  • Recommendations to prevent or reduce child deaths and family and domestic violence fatalities;
  • Own motion investigations; and
  • The relationship of Western Australian Ombudsman fatality reviews with critical stakeholders.

The four day conference on the theme ‘Pathways to Prevention’ was attended by members of the Asia Pacific Coroners Society.

The conference explored the many pathways to death prevention, including the prevention of deaths associated with suicide, family and domestic violence, mental health issues, drugs, and alcohol.

The Ombudsman’s speech, The role of the Ombudsman in reviewing Child Deaths and Family Violence Fatalities, is available on the Ombudsman's website.


Source: Ombudsman Western Australia, Australia

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