AUSTRALIA | Western Australian Ombudsman tables report on own motion investigation into family and domestic violence and suicide

On Thursday 20 October 2022, the Western Australian Ombudsman and President of the International Ombudsman Institute tabled in Parliament the report of his major own motion investigation titled Investigation into family and domestic violence and suicide.

The investigation commenced following the Ombudsman’s identification of the need to undertake a major own motion investigation into family and domestic violence and suicide while undertaking his important responsibilities of reviewing family and domestic violence fatalities and child deaths.

The report includes a comprehensive set of state-wide data relating to 68 women and child victims of family and domestic violence who died by suicide in 2017 and their prior interactions with State government departments and authorities.

The Ombudsman’s investigation has found that a range of work has been undertaken by State government departments and authorities to administer their relevant legislative responsibilities to support the safety of women and children experiencing family and domestic violence. However, the Ombudsman found that there is important further work that should be done, including a range of opportunities across all stages of the service spectrum to improve the identification of, and responses to, family and domestic violence in Western Australia.

The investigation also identified the need for State government departments and authorities to use a trauma informed approach when working with people who have experienced multiple circumstances of vulnerability, including in responding to family and domestic violence and suicidality.

Western Australian Ombudsman Chris Field said:

“There is much good work being done by State government departments and authorities to prevent men’s vile and criminal violence against women and the trauma and tragedy that results from this violence, but we can and must do more.”

“Arising from my findings, I have made nine recommendations to four government agencies about ways to prevent or reduce family and domestic violence related deaths by suicide. I am very pleased that each agency has agreed to these recommendations and has, more generally, been highly co-operative, responsive and positively engaged with our investigation.”

“Finally, I extend my deepest personal sympathy and condolences to all Western Australian families, friends and communities impacted by the tragic and immeasurable loss of life of a loved one who has died by suicide. It is my sincerest hope that the recommendations of this investigation will contribute to preventing these tragic deaths in the future.”


Source: Office of the Ombudsman of Western Australia

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