The Forum of Canadian Ombudsman is going to organize a workshop concerning the management of unreasonable complaint behaviour. The course will be held by Chris Wheeler, the Deputy Ombudsman of New South Wales, who will also present this training course at the IOI World Conference in Wellington, New Zealand.
The workshop is designed for anyone whose work involves dealing with complaints or managing unreasonable complainant behaviour - senior management responsible for setting complaint handling policy, and ombudsman staff who provide training or guidance about complaint handling.
Presented by: Chris Wheeler
Deputy Ombudsman, New South Wales, Australia
The workshop in Montreal which is co-funded by the IOI has filled up very quickly and is booked up by now.
FCO still welcomes participants for the Ottawa workshop.
November 28, 2012 in Montreal (Fully booked)
(in English with simultaneous French interpretation) and
November 30, 2012 in Ottawa
(In English)
For workshop outline, fee information and registration forms, click here.
Questions? Please call Suzanne Belson at 514‑489-4482 or email
Source: Forum of Canadian Ombudsman