HUNGARY | Workshop on good practices for tolerance

The Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary organised a workshop entitled “Good Practices for Tolerance. With Communication for Equal Dignity- Inclusive Speech contra Hate Speech” on 29th April, 2013.

A thematic workshop was held on the important subject theme of hate speech. Several scholars and representatives of the civil society were presented on the one-day event which was held in the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights.

In his welcome speech, Prof. Máté Szabó, the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, was delighted to greet the audience and emphasized the importance of the theme that should be examined and dealt closely by every participants of the society. He urged the change of mentality and attitude towards the question, as the prevention should be in the centre of attention and not the sanction and penalization of the convicts. A tolerant society should be developed with members having an appropriate political behaviour.


Source: Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights

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