Your search results for „checklist for high priori”
Press freedom must not be undermined by measures to counter disinformation about COVID-19
In the past weeks, parliaments, governments and local authorities have adopted legislation, decrees or decisions that clearly risk hampering the work of journalists and restricting the public’s right to receive information. Introducing disproportionate restrictions to press freedom is a counterproductive approach that must stop, says Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović.
National human rights institutions: guaranteeing fundamental rights compliance during COVID-19 and beyond
National human rights institutions (NHRIs) are crucial for the protection and promotion of fundamental rights across the EU but their full potential remains untapped, finds a new report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). It suggests next steps to boost NHRIs’ impact and efficiency, such as providing adequate resources, strong powers and clear mandates in line with the United Nations Paris Principles.
Ombudsman community shares experiences on how to handle new challenges caused by Covid-19
On 24 November 2020, the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel held an international Zoom Webinar under the auspices of the IOI on the topic of “Covid-19 and the Ombudsperson - Rising to the Challenge of a Pandemic”. The webinar brought together participants from 50 Ombudsman offices around the world to learn how a long-term crisis can still act as a platform for best practices and improvement.
The Pandemic Changed Complaints Made to Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman in 2020
The 2020 annual reports for Saskatchewan’s Ombudsman and Public Interest Disclosure Commissioner, Mary McFadyen, were tabled in the Legislature today. While some complaints to her Office continued as usual, the pandemic affected others. Complaints about long-term care facilities and correctional centres increased, but complaints about Social Services, SGI and Crown utilities decreased. Twelve of the 41 contacts made to her Office under The Public Interest Disclosure Act were related to the pandemic.
Unjust management of debts for supply of electricity and water to members of Aboriginal community of Coober Pedy
The Ombudsman of South Australia (SA) conducted an investigation into the actions of the council as the retailer of electricity and water to Aboriginal community members in Coober Pedy. The Ombudsman concluded that the council inappropriately managed electricity and water accounts and debts in a manner that was unjust, unreasonable, wrong and contrary to law.
International Restorative Justice Week
During this week, the Ararteko wishes to highlight that restorative justice allows both the offender or aggressor and the injured party or victim of any type of crime or conflict to be reintegrated in society as social assets, while engaging society in the rehabilitation and reintegration. Restorative Justice Week is celebrated around the world during the third week of November. The theme of this year's week is Protect and Empower the Person Harmed.
Victorian Ombudsman delivers fourth biennial report card
Ms Glass has tabled in the Victorian Parliament her fourth biennial report on the implementation of her recommendations. Her report covers 51 recommendations made to state and local government bodies between May 2020 and December 2021. All except one of her recommendations were accepted by the relevant body, with 31 implemented in full and 16 in progress.
PHSO survey finds that older generations are least likely to complain about NHS if unhappy
A survey conducted by the Office of the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) found that those most likely to have used the National Health Service (NHS) during the pandemic are least likely to have complained if they were unhappy with the service.
Health care complaints to B.C. Ombudsperson highest in ten years
The BC Ombudsperson’s 2021/22 Annual Report, released 18 October, highlights that complaints about health care from British Columbians were the highest in a decade. The office received almost 1,300 complaints and enquiries focused on programs and services provided by the Ministry of Health and B.C.’s health authorities.
BC Ombudsperson completes monitoring of government’s implementation of recommendations
The Ombudsperson British Columbia (BC) released the final investigative update to his office’s 2017 report Misfire: The 2012 Ministry of Health Employment Terminations and Related Matters. The update concludes that all of the report’s 41 recommendations to the provincial government are now implemented.
Briefing on the activities of the Authorized Person of the Oliy Majlis for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in detecting and preventing cases of torture in the period of 10 months of 2023
Over 10 months of 2023, the Ombudsman and Public Groups conducted 452 monitoring visits to places of detention. In the period of 10 months of 2022, this figure was 297.
The Office of the Ombudsman and the Business Community
Kindly click here to read an article by the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Mr Joseph Zammit McKeon, which was published in the "Movers and Shakers 2024".
Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary
Information request
The Ombudsman for Bermuda kindly asks member institutions for help and information regarding the establishment of an independent Office of Contractor General or Procurement.
Catalan Ombudsman’s newsletter for November 2013
The Office of the Catalan Ombudsman published the November edition of its e-Newsletter.
Public Services Ombudsman for Wales published quarterly Casebook and Code of Conduct Casebook
Issue 26 of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales’ Casebook (July – September 2016) has been published.
Ombudsman Hong Kong announces two DI reports
The Ombudsman announces DI report on “FEHD’s System of Safety Control for Imported Fruits and Vegetables”& Investigation Report “Complaint about the Handling of an Application for Housing Transfer by SWD and HD”.
Raymonde Saint-Germain appointed for a second term
On 9 June 2011 the Members of the National Assembly unanimously re-appointed Raymonde Saint-Germain Québec Ombudsperson for a second five-year term of office.
Ontario Ombudsman announces next SYT Training
André Marin, the Ombudsman of Ontario, recently announced the fifth annual course for administrative investigators. SHARPENING YOUR TEETH: Advanced Investigative Training for Administrative Watchdogs will take place at the Sutton Place Hotel in Toronto from November 28-30, 2011.
Annual conference call or speakers
The US Ombudsman Association (USOA) is currently planning its annual conference scheduled for October and seeks speakers interested in sharing their subject matter expertise relevant to the public sector ombudsman profession.