Your search results for „checklist for high priori”

  • 2014-12-23

    Tax reform includes Spanish Ombudsman’s recommendations

    The Ombudsman of Spain, Soledad Becerril, has welcomed the fact that the tax reform approved by the lower chamber of Parliament includes recommendations made by the Institution. Accordingly, it moderates the tax hike on the sale of used homes and keeps in place the abatement coefficients that reduce the capital gains tax on the sale of properties, when the value of the sale does not exceed €400,000.

  • 2015-05-20

    Ombudsman hospital investigation finds people are afraid to complain

    An investigation by Ombudsman Peter Tyndall has found that people are afraid to complain about the care and treatment they receive in hospitals because they are concerned about the repercussions for themselves or their loved ones.

  • 2015-06-12

    8th Biennial CAROA Conference held in Curaçao

    At the 8th Biennial Caribbean Ombudsman Association (CAROA) Conference the Ombudsman of Sint Maarten, Dr. Nilda Arduin, was elected as the new President of the Caribbean association for the period July 2015 – June 2017. As President of CAROA, Dr. Arduin will endeavor to broaden the knowledge and awareness of good governance within the Caribbean region.            

  • 2015-11-03

    Ombudsman Hong Kong commends positive attitudes towards complaint management

    On 29 October 2015, Hong Kong Ombudsman Connie Lau, announced at the 19th Ombudsman’s Awards Presentation Ceremony that the Immigration Department (ImmD) has won this year’s Grand Award, while the Correctional Services Department (CSD) and the Legal Aid Department (LAD) are the runners-up. Individual awards were given to 50 public officers for their outstanding performance in providing quality customer service. More than 200 guests from various government departments and public organisations attended the annual presentation ceremony.

  • 2016-04-21

    Ombudsman Hong Kong promotes Code on Access to Information and launches TV programme

    On 20 April Hong Kong Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, announced that a new section dedicated to complaint cases relating to the Code on Access to Information has been added to the website of the Office of The Ombudsman. Furthermore, the Office collaborated with Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) to produce a TV mini-series called “The Ombudsman 5-minuter”.

  • 2016-05-09

    Lokayukt Madhya Pradesh inspect field units in Jabalpur

    Honourable Justice Mr. P.P. Naolekar, Lokayukt MP inspected subordinate office at Jabalpur from 29.04.2016 to 03.05.2016. The visit was centered around inspection of Special Police Establishment (SPE) Office and Divisional vigilance Committee (DVC) Office as also on the efforts put in by prosecuting officers and the investigative agencies in ensuring early disposal of cases in various courts.

  • 2017-06-09

    Ombudsman Hong Kong probes Government's regulation of proprietary Chinese medicine

    The Ombudsman, Ms Connie Lau, declared a direct investigation to examine the regulation of unregistered proprietary Chinese medicine (pCm) by the Department of Health (DH) and the Food and Health Bureau (FHB).

  • 2017-12-11

    Ombudsman presents research on inclusion of children and youth with special needs in secondary education

    In the eve of the International Human Rights Day on December 10, the Ombudsman presented its "Research on the inclusion of children and youth with special needs in the secondary education", prepared in cooperation with the NGO “Open the Gates” and financially supported by the UNICEF Office in Skopje.

  • 2017-12-11

    Death of woman from anorexia was avoidable, Ombudsman rules

    A young woman’s death from anorexia nervosa would have been prevented had the NHS provided appropriate care and treatment, according to a Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) report published today (Friday 8 December 2017).

  • 2018-06-19

    Ombudsmen urge government to speed up hurricane recovery

    National Ombudsman of the Netherlands Reinier van Zutphen and Ombudsman of St. Maarten Nilda Arduin are both urging the government of St. Maarten to make haste with the recovery and reconstruction of St. Maarten, as the peak of the 2018 hurricane season is nearing.

  • 2018-06-21

    Ombudsman receives over 3,000 complaints about public services

    Ombudsman Peter Tyndall received 3,021 complaints about providers of public services last year. The Ombudsman’s annual report for 2017 was published on Wednesday 20 June and shows that the sectors that were the most complained about in 2017 were: Government Departments/Offices (953 complaints), Local Authorities (852 complaints) and Health and social care sector (608 complaints).  

  • 2018-11-07

    Poldershop on General Data Protection Regulation

    Can the data protection agency inspect an ombudsman institution? This was one of the questions that came up during the Poldershop on the General Data Protection Regulation at Schiphol airport on Monday 5 November. The Poldershop was organised by the Dutch National Ombudsman at the request of the IOI European Board.  

  • 2018-11-19

    FRA report on four keys to successful Roma inclusion

    There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to local inclusion but four key elements can boost the chances of success, finds the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ latest report.

  • 2019-03-27

    Queensland Ombudsman presents „Brisbane Youth Detention Centre“ report

    The Queensland Ombudsman’s report, The Brisbane Youth Detention Centre report: An investigation into the management of young people at Brisbane Youth Detention Centre between November 2016 and February 2017, was tabled on the 27th of March by the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Speaker of the Queensland Parliament.  

  • 2019-04-17

    Fines Victoria’s errors and delays create anxiety and frustration

    Victorians have had their licences wrongly suspended or been treated as if they are liable for fines when they have committed no offence, due to Fines Victoria’s errors and delays, the Victorian Ombudsman has found.

  • 2019-06-19

    UPR recommendations on Armenia discussed from human rights perspective in public hearings

    On April 5th, a public hearing on the “National Human Rights agenda: UN Universal Periodic Review” was held in the National Assembly of Armenia with the participation of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and civil society organizations, representatives of public authorities, media, diplomatic missions and international organizations.  

  • 2019-08-28

    Ombudsman urges action on outstanding recommendations

    The Ombudsman has called for a formal mechanism to be put in place to compel the public administration to act upon his recommendations. This comes as a number of public service providers failed to act upon the recommendations made in respect of five complaints lodged with the Ombudsman’s office. These involve the Gibraltar Electricity Authority, the Gibraltar Health Authority, the Housing Authority and the Driver and Licensing department.

  • 2019-09-12

    Ombudsman finds meetings of convicts with relatives disproportionately restricted in Kaunas Remand Prison

    The flawed practice of Kaunas Remand Prison officers, following which convicted persons are not allowed to use washing machine free of charge if they are visited by relatives, drew the attention of the Seimas Ombudsman of Lithuania, Augustinas Normantas. It turned out that officials did not provide the convict with the necessary articles for personal hygiene even after the convict was declared insolvent.

  • 2019-09-24

    Commonwealth Ombudsman publishes report on the readiness of Australia to implement OPCAT

    Today the Commonwealth Ombudsman, Michael Manthorpe, published a report which provides a comprehensive and contemporary overview of Australia’s readiness to implement the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).

  • 2019-12-11

    10 years since the adoption of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination

    This year marks the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Although the principle of equality and non-discrimination is an integral part of all treaties and human rights declarations, as well as the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the significance of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination is immeasurable.

Showing 2241 to 2260 of 5101 entries